Ethical Leadership

Living School ascribes to the movement for Ethical Leadership

Testimony from the school’s founder, Caroline Sost:

« Former director for Human Resources in an international video-game company, I had always been searching for deeper meaning in my professional life. So in 2003, I decided to begin my Master’s degree in Development of Ethical Leadership. It was during this innovative program that combines personal development and work on my own ethical life project that Living School was born. Having become more aware of global issues, I wanted to create innovative schools where children would become actors in a more just world. With tools acquired in these schools, children would create, today and tomorrow, a little less suffering and a little more happiness in this world.

Our pedagogy is based on the principles of the Psychologie of Evolution et on Ethical Leadership, developped by Edel Gött. The essence of this approach is first and foremost the belief that children and adults possess an immense potential for vision, imagination, and reorientation. It is in orienting our perspective on this extraordinary potential that we can contribute to a better world. As Gandhi said : « Be the change you wish to see in the world. » Let us start by seeing the richness within ourselves and in our peers, and mobilize this potential to contribute to a better world".

Testimony from Caroline Sost and other participants of the Process’ for Development of Ethical Leadership:


Living School is one of many businesses and organizations responding to the norm of Ethic’Evolution and applies the « Global Quality in a Human Dimension » daily. This rigorous standard seeks to create positive and constructive effects for the short, middle and long terms and at each level of our school::

  • From the designing of our programs to the moment where they are put into action;
  • In the quality of experience of our team, of the children, of their parents and of our partners and providers;
  • In the effects that we create in each moment in our environment and in the world.
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